
AA 5182 aluminium alloy with a strong cube texture was cold rolled to different reductions along the following directions: firstly, the original rolling direction; secondly, at angles of 22.5 and 45° to the original rolling direction. The evolution of texture in the cold-rolled samples with different initial textures was then investigated by X-ray diffraction. The texture evolution was quantified by mathematical formulae of texture volume fractions and rolling true strain. The results show that initial texture has a strong influence on the evolution of rolling texture. AA 5182 aluminium alloy with an initial rotated-cube (r-cube) (45° normal direction r-cube) texture exhibits the fastest rate of formation of the β fibre. The rate of formation of the β fibre decreases as the initial texture changes from the r-cube texture to the cube texture. The relationship between the rate of formation of the β fibre (k β value in the mathematical formula for the volume fraction of the β fibre) and the initial texture (M cube and M r-cube: the volume fractions of the cube and r-cube components respectively) can be expressed as k β = 0.37 − 0.03(M cube /5.41 − M r − cube /5.64).

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