The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of industrial work practices and family environment on interest in entrepreneurship at state vocational high school 1 of Parepare. Population showed in this study was all students of class XII at state vocational high school 1 of Parepare in the academic year 2015 2016 as many as 232 students. The total sample of 30 % or as many as 70 students. Data collection techniques in this study are a questionnaire, observation, interviews, and documents. The data analysis techniques used in this study is multiple regression analysis using the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). The results showed that (1) the industrial work practices has a positive and significant impact on interest in entrepreneurship at students of vocational high school of state 1 of Parepare by 58.40 %, (2) family environment has a positive and significant impact on interest in entrepreneurship on students of vocational high school of state 1 of Parepare by 55.70%, and (3) influences of industrial work practices and family environment simultaneously positive and significant impact on students of vocational high school of state 1 of Parepare by 65.30%. The study recommended that the head school should more pay attention to the implementation of the industrial work practices, so that students’ interests in entrepreneurship can be improved estuary on improving the quality of education
In the law of Republic of Indonesia No 20 of 2003 on National Education System in article described 15 that "Vocational education is an education that prepares students to work in a particular field"
As Ditya (2011) conducted a study entitled "Factors affecting the interest in entrepreneurship students at the University of Education of Indonesia "The results showed that the variables of the family environment, the mental attitude to entrepreneurship students, and students' perceptions of entrepreneurship has a positive influence on interest in entrepreneurship students at the University of Education of Indonesia
The results showed that the R value of 0.764 and R Square of 0.584. This means that the Job Training Industry has a positive influence on interest in entrepreneurship, with strong category and the contribution of Industrial Work Practices for Student Interest in Entrepreneurship at vocational high school of state 1 of Parepare by 58.40% or 41.60% while the rest is determined by other factors
In the law of Republic of Indonesia No 20 of 2003 on National Education System in article described 15 that "Vocational education is an education that prepares students to work in a particular field". Implementation of the working practices of the industry will indirectly give students experience and sufficient knowledge and skills in the work because in addition to learning how to get a job, are taught how to have jobs that are relevant to their talents and the ability to work independently. In addition to the working practices of the industry, the family environment is very important in growing interest in entrepreneurship for students. The family had a very strong influence on the development of the child's personality, because most of the child's life was in the midst of his family. Both parents have a very important role in realizing the child's personality
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