
The effects of hypothalamic lesions, androgen implants and systemically injected androgen on plasma LH levels in castrated male gerbils were studied using a radioimmunoassay to measure LH. Untreated and sham—operated controls were used in all experiments. Testosterone propionate injected sc daily into 30#x2013;day castrates decreased plasma LH 78% within 48 hr, but pituitary LH was unchanged. DC anodal lesions between the ventromedial nucleus and medial mammillary nucleus (VMH#x2014;MM) and in the preoptic area (POA) in 4#x2013;day castrates had no effect on plasma LH. Lesions in the arcuate nucleus (ARH) and median eminence (ME) resulted in plasma LH decreases of 55 and 77%, respectively, within 48 hr. Subcutaneous injections of 500 ¼g testosterone propionate in gerbils with VMH#x2014;MM or POA lesions and in controls produced a marked decrease in plasma LH, but in gerbils with ARH or ME lesions androgen injection significantly slowed the rate of plasma LH decrease previously induced by the lesions. In a...

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