
Almost all women feel fear when facing the process of giving birth or childbirth. Women's fear of childbirth puts stress on their entire body and prevents their bodies from carrying out their physiological functions to give birth comfortably. As a result, they experience a long and very painful labor process that requires medical interventioen which is not really needed if their body can relax. Based on the initial survey at Independent midwife practice Bdn Lucyana Kohan in October 2021 to December 2021 in childbirth as many as 5 mothers, of which 66.7% did not use hypnobirthing relaxation techniques, while those using hypnobirthing relaxation techniques were 33.3%. This study aims to to find out the Effect of Hypnobirthing on Labor Pain of Active Phase Primiparous Mothers in Independent midwife practice Bdn L 2021. The reseach design used is analytic research, non-paramedic appoarch methods. Total sample with a sample number of 32 respondents, using data that is primary data (observation) secondary data (medical records), analysis using the Wilcoxon test signed rank test. Non parametric test statistical test results with sig value results of 0.001, where P value £ 0.005 (Ho rejected, Ha accepted), alternative hypothesis accepted.

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