The electronic application of diamond is still immature because of the relatively high density of dislocation. Hydrogen flow rate is one of the key parameters that determine the crystalline quality of diamond, but most of the previous works focus on the growth of polycrystalline diamond. Herein, the effects of hydrogen flow rate on the growth rate and crystalline quality of single crystal diamond have been evaluated while keeping the CH4/H2 ratio. It demonstrates that a medium H2 flow rate can balance the C2 concentration and nitrogen leakage in the chamber, resulting in the maximum of growth rate. Similarly, the dislocation density decreases firstly and then increases with a minimum value of 4 × 104/cm2 under a medium H2 flow rate. The variation of growth rate and dislocation density versus hydrogen flow rate can be double-confirmed from both high pressure and high temperature and chemical vapor deposition samples. The incline angle of step riser relative to the terrace is smaller than 20°, which helps to switch the propagation direction of dislocation towards the raiser region. A relatively wider step width under a medium H2 flow rate means a lower density of step riser region to display the dislocation. Therefore, we conclude that a medium hydrogen flow rate can effectively balance the crystalline quality and growth rate of the single crystal diamond.
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