
The use and search for new growth regulators and fertilizers that provide high and stable yields are among the topical issues in growing winter wheat. The study aimed to develop the theoretical foundations and methods of farming for high-yielding winter wheat based on the use of the growth regulator Melafen and chelated fertilizers Metallocene Universal and Metallocene A in the southern forest-steppe of the Republic of Bashkortostan. According to the research results 2018–2020, it can be concluded that their use had an impact on grain productivity and quality. In the experiment, an increase in grain yield was noted in 8 out of 10 studied winter wheat varieties, depending on the processing option. In the experiment's control variants, the formation of the yield of winter wheat grain was 2.25–5.25 t/ha. The influence of the variety on the yield (r = 0.821–0.841). Only three varieties (Sarra, Ufimka, and Moskovskaya 39) had a nature corresponding to 1 and 2 classes; the other varieties had lower indicators. In all the studied variants, the quality of winter wheat gluten corresponded to group 2 (3 and 4 wheat classes). Carrying out work to improve gluten quality will contribute to the transition of winter wheat from 3 classes to 1–2. The most promising in this relation is the winter wheat varieties Ufimka and Anastasia. The research results can be successfully used to develop a technology for the cultivation of winter wheat to increase the yield and quality of grain.

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