
Nowadays, biotechnology of medicinal plants is a modern sub-branch of biotechnology and pharmacy that has gradually become the focus of attention of pharmaceutical and traditional medicine specialists which results to major changes and jumps in production of science. Since herbal medicine is one of the oldest therapies in Middle East and Chinese tradition, herbal medicines, owing to less side effect levels compared to chemical treatments, have long been used for preventative and therapeutic treatment, as well as the attention of medical professionals. Herbal medicine is totally based on plant parts like roots, leaves, etc., there are various manners of using herbals in different traditions such as soaking into the water, boiling, chewing, etc.. The present study intends to investigate the effect of ginger hydro alcoholic extract on kidney stone (oxalate type). [1] We initially divided the rats into five groups which includes control group, 2 doses of Ginger extract, treating by regular medication and not treating. By injecting peritoneal of sodium oxalate solution to the rats after about 7 to 10 days, and by observing the oxalate crystals in the urine samples taken from the kidneys and physical signs of kidney stones like decrease in volume of urine, Zingiber officinalis rhizome, which was used as a herbal remedy, was extracted and injected into the rats with different doses. As results of injection on a regular basis, we observed treatment in rats with kidney stone. According to the dosage, the pace of treatment was different in samples. So, low dose can be used for minor problem in a long term and high dose can be use for major level of kidney stone which is working more efficiently with a higher speed of treatment. [2],[3]

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