
AbstractThe mineralization of organic carbon and organic nitrogen in soil is one of the key processes in the carbon and nitrogen cycles in wetland soil. In general it is believed that the mineralization of organic carbon and organic nitrogen in soil mainly depends on the moisture and temperature. Conditions of soil moisture affect the soil respiration rate (Mainiero and Kazda 2004) by restricting the penetration of oxygen and the types of microorganisms, but temperature affects the mineralization rates of organic carbon and organic nitrogen in soil by affecting microbial activity (Reichstein et al. 2000). Because of the interaction between temperature and moisture, the real mineralization rate in a soil often depends on both moisture and temperature conditions at the same time.KeywordsOrganic CarbonTotal Organic CarbonSoil Organic CarbonMineralization AmountOrganic NitrogenThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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