
THE present study aimed to evaluate the impacts of different sources on the European seabass (D. labrax) fry growth and physiology. One thousand and five hundreds fry from 3 sources were transferred to the lab., the 1st fry group was collected from the wild habitat in El- Meadya region, El- Behira Gov. from the wild fry capture fisheries. The 2nd fry group was 94 (dph) day post hatching produced in the Marine NIOF Hatchery, El- Anfoushy from induced spawning and the 3rd group fry was 94 dph produced in the Marine GAFRD Hatchery from induced spawning. Fry samples were randomly collected to statistically determine the length, weight growth and physiology performances. The comparative effects of European seabass (D. labrax) fry sources (wild and two hatcheries) and their impacts on length and weight growth parameters, total length, standard length, body width, total weight, gutted weight, hepatosomatic and vesrosomatic indexes. The wild collected fry achieved the best significant (P < 0.05) results in all this growth parameters while the NIOF marine hatchery produced fry achieved the best significant (P < 0.05) results in all these physiology parameters. In conclusion, this study explained why fish farmers prefer wild collected European seabass (D. labrax) fry than hatchery produced fry. Egypt marine hatcheries need more efforts and technology transfer to help marine aquaculture and fisheries development, that need ranching and restocking with hatchery produced fry.

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