
Background: Typhoid fever, a potentially fatal multisystem illness which is due to infection by Salmonella typhi, is an important health problem in many developing countries including Bangladesh. Investigators from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that there are 21.6 million typhoid cases annually, with the annual incidence varying from 100 to 1000 cases per 100 000 population. Objective: To evaluate the effect of ethanol extract of camellia sinensis on salmonella typhi infection in adult male rats. Materials and Methods: Type of study: This was an experimental study. Duration of study: September 2014-February 2016. Place of study: Department of Pharmacology, BSMMU, Shahbag, Dhaka, Department of Microbiology, BSMMU, Shahbag, Dhaka, Department of Clinical Pathology, BSMMU, Shahbag, Dhaka, Department of Chemistry, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Materials: Animals: 84 adult male Long Evan’s Norwegian rats were obtained from the animal house of BSMMU. Sample Size Estimation: So, we took six groups and 10 rats in each group. The groups were: Control group (I), Rat infected with S. typhi (II), Rat infected with S. typhi then treated with ethanolic leaf extracts of CAS (III), Rat given ethanolic extracts of CAS only (IV), Rat infected with S. typhi then treated with ciprofloxacin (V), Rat infected with S. typhi then treated with both ciprofloxacin and ethanolic extracts of CAS (VI). Adult male rats were taken for this experiment. The number of rat for each group were 10 (n=10). Methodology: Preparation of ethanol extract of C. sinensis Linn: Home processing Black and Green tea (C. sinensis) was published by the college of Tropical Agriculture and Human resources (2007) which was supported in part by the USDA, agricultural Research Service’s pacific Basin, Agricultural Research center and the Department of Research and Development, County of Hawai’I, Japan. i) Collection of C. sinensis leaves: Harvest 10 kg of fresh tea shoots from ..........

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