
This study aims to know and explain how the influence of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence to work culture. The method used in this study is a survey of 55 employees at PT. General Insurance Bumiputera 1967 youth which is in branch Pekanbaru, Dumai and Padang with sampling technique done by area sampling method.From the results of this study that simultaneous emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence, positively and significantly influence the work culture, while the rest influenced by other variables that are not explained / researched in this study. With different cultural backgrounds from each region gives an idea that the role of emotional intelligence is personally capable of influencing the work culture, as well as the spiritual intelligence possessed by an employee makes a person mature in working so as to support the creation of a conducive working culture. The emotional and spiritual side are two things that cannot be separated when it wants to form a professional work culture because it is impossible a good culture filled by employees who have low emotional and spiritual intelligence.

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