
The effect of six different zinc (Zn) application methods on grain yield and concentrations of Zn in whole shoots and grain was studied in wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum, L. cvs. Gerek‐79, Dagdas‐94 and Bezostaja‐1 and Triticum durum, Desf. cv. Kunduru‐1149) grown on severely Zn‐deficient calcareous soils (DTPA‐extractable Zn: 0.12 mg‐kg‐1 soil) of Central Anatolia which is the major wheat growing area of Turkey. Zinc application methods tested were: a) control (no Zn application), b) soil, c) seed, d) leaf, e) soil+leaf, and f) seed+leaf applications. Irrespective of the method, application of Zn significantly increased grain yield in all cultivars. Compared to the control, increases in grain yield were about 260% with soil, soil+leaf, and seed+leaf, 204% with seed and 124% with leaf application of Zn. In a similar manner, biomass production (dry weight of above‐ground parts) was increased by Zn treatments. The highest increase (109%) was obtained with the soil application and the lowest increase (40%) with the leaf application. Significant effects of Zn application methods were also found on the yield components, i.e., spike number.m‐2, grain number‐spike‐1, and thousand kernel weight. Spike number.m‐2 was affected most by Zn applications, particularly by soil and soil+leaf applications. Concentrations of Zn in whole shoots and grain were greatly affected by different Zn treatments. In plants without added Zn, concentrations of Zn were about 10 mg‐kg‐1 both in shoots and grain and increased to 18 mg‐kg‐1 dry weight (DW) by soil application of Zn, but not affected by seed application of Zn. Soil+leaf application of Zn had the highest increase in concentration of Zn in shoot (82 mg‐kg‐1 DW) and grain (38 mg‐kg‐1 DW). Soil application of Zn was economical and had long‐term effects for enhancing grain yield of wheat grown on Zn deficient soils. When high grain yield and high Zn concentration in grains are desired, soil+leaf application of Zn was most effective method of Zn application.

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