The present investigation was carried out at Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Naini, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh during the Kharif-2022 with a view to identify the effect of different sources of nitrogen and bio fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of cherry tomato” [Solanum lycopersicum L.) var. cerasiforme] in polyhouse conditions. The experiment was laid in Randomized block design (RBD) with 9 treatments and 3 replications with different combination in RDF and application of organic nutrition. Under this experiment, overall, 10 treatment were taken. From the above experimental finding it may be concluded that the treatment T9 (75% N through urea + 25% N through FYM + Azotobacter (4 kg ha-1) + PSB (4 Kg ha-1) was found to be best in the terms of growth parameters like highest plant height (283.35 cm) at 120 DAT, maximum number of branches per plant (72.33 branches) at 120 DAT. In terms of earliness, it was found to have minimum days to attain 50% flowering (55.93 DAT). In terms of yield T9 had highest number of fruits per cluster (5.57 fruits), and fruit yield per hectare (25.88 t ha-1).
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