
CdS (E=2.5 eV) nanoparticles were synthesized in reversed micelles and capped with materials of different band gaps and charge compensation ability: Cd(OH)2 (4.0 eV), ZnS (3.2 eV), and CdO (2.3 eV). The preparations allowed the examination and comparison of the efficiencies of confinement of the electron and hole by the various capping materials. The absorption and emission spectra of the capped CdS nanoparticles suggest the following: (1) Efficient capping and strong quantum confinement are observed for CdS particles of small size (<3.8 nm), showing well-resolved photoexcitation spectra; (2) the confinement efficiency improves with capping thickness; (3) although ZnS has smaller band gap than Cd(OH)2, it was more efficient in surface-charge compensation and it is the best capping agent of the three materials; and (4) the similar band gaps of CdO and CdS resulted spectroscopically in strong mixing between the excited states of these materials. ©1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Quant Chem 72: 439–450, 1999

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