
ABSTRACT Worldwide grid-independent hybrid renewable energy system is an alternative option for powering the un-electrified villages where grid extension is not feasible. In this perspective, a techno-economic feasibility study has been performed for a stand-alone remote area in Karnataka, India. In the present study, effect of use of Lead Acid (LA), Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) batteries, and diesel generators with and without scheduling on the performance of HRES has been assessed. The Net Present Cost (NPC) and Cost of Energy (COE) of the proposed HRES using Li-Ion battery are found 35% lesser than to that of the system using LA battery. The pollutant emissions are also found to be reduced by using Li-Ion batteries in the system. Further, the effect of with and without scheduling of diesel generators on performance of HRES has also been investigated. From the results, it is found that a saving in NPC and COE with scheduling of diesel generator is found to be as $1,55,977 and 0.027 $/kWh. An attempt has also been made to find out the effect of the option without diesel generator in the proposed HRES. It is found that the proposed system without diesel generator is most feasible. Further, Li-Ion battery-based PV/MHP HRES offers the most optimal configuration and the corresponding NPC and COEs are found to be as $4,67,644 and 0.106 $/kWh. Abbreviation WT: Wind turbine; BG: Biogas; BM: Biomass; BFPSO: Butterfly Particle Swarm Optimization; COE: Cost of Energy; NPC: Net Present Cost; CRF: Capital Recovery Factor; DG: Diesel Generator; GA: Genetic Algorithm; HH: Household; HOMER: Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources; HRES: Hybrid Renewable Energy System; IRES: Integrated Renewable Energy System; LA: Lead Acid; LCC: Life Cycle Cost; LCOE: Levelized Cost of Energy; LPSP: Loss of Power Supply; Li-Ion: Lithium Ion; MESCOM: Mangalore Electricity Supply Company; MHP: Micro Hydro Power; MLR with GD: Multi-variable Linear Regression with Gradient Descent; PSO: Particle Swarm Optimization; PV: Photovoltaic; SOC: State of Charge; TLBO: Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization

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