
This handbook written for the campesinos of the Mexican province of Sinlao can be useful to all peasants living far away from a doctor. It is written in the simplest language comprehensible to people with little or no education. Beside giving advice on what to do when a doctor is not available the book clearly describes which illnesses and diseases absolutely require medical attention and what to do in case of emergency. A long chapter is dedicated to the traditional witchcraft practices of the peasants explaining their danger. Other chapters are dedicated to the importance of good nutrition vaccination cleanliness childrens diseases and problems related to old age. Simple measures of preventive medicine are explained as well as how to treat the most common skin diseases. Special chapters are dedicated to pregnancy complications and to delivery and to modern methods of contraception. This book which is illustrated with simple explicative drawings has an appendix on the use and dosages of the most common drugs and a very useful short dictionary which translates into the dialects of the campesinos the most difficult medical words.

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