Purpose of the study. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered an independent risk factor for higher cancer incidence and death rates. The system of insulin-like growth factors and their carrier proteins (IGF and IGFBP) and hyperglycemia create favorable conditions for the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells.Materials and methods. Outbred male and female rats were divided into groups (n = 8 each): controls - with Guerin's carcinoma; main group - Guerin's carcinoma growing in presence of DM. Experimental DM was reproduces in animals by the single intraperitoneal alloxan injection (150 mg/kg body weight). After 10 days of the carcinoma growth, levels of IGF and IGFBP in the tumor and in it's perifocal area were measured using ELISA.Results. DM in females upregulated levels of glucose both in the tumor and in perifocal tissues by 1.8 (p < 0.05) and 8.1 times, respectively, but caused opposite changes in IGF-I - it's increase by 6.3 times in the tumor and decrease by 3.2 times in the perifocal area; as a result, such tumors with small primary nodes were more "aggressive" and actively metastasized. In males, induced DM downregulated levels of glucose, IGF-II and IGFBP2 in the carcinoma by 8.4, 3.1 and 1.7 (p < 0.05) times, respectively, and increased levels of IGF-I and IGFBP2 by 1.4 and 1.3 times (p < 0.05) in the perifocal area without changing glucose levels; as a result, tumor volumes exceeded the values in the standard growth, without metastasizing into visceral organs.Conclusion. We revealed gender differences in changing levels of glucose and IGF both in the tumor and in it's perifocal tissue in rats with Guerin's carcinoma growing in presence of DM; these differences could determine different tumor growth dynamics in male and female rats.
Определение биологически активных веществ непосредственно в опухолевой ткани, а также экспериментальные исследования с использованием различных моделей опухолей могут позволить более глубоко понять механизмы нарушений, приводящих к активации или угнетению злокачественного роста [8; 9]
We revealed gender differences in changing levels of glucose and IGF both in the tumor and in it’s perifocal tissue in rats with Guerin’s carcinoma growing in presence of Diabetes mellitus (DM); these differences could determine different tumor growth dynamics in male and female rats
Vassilakos G, Lei H, Yang Y, Puglise J, Matheny M, Durzynska J, et al Deletion of muscle IGF-I transiently impairs growth and progressively disrupts glucose homeostasis in male mice
Изучить влияние сахарного диабета (СД) на содержание инсулиноподобных факторов роста (insulin like growth factor, далее – IGF) и белков-переносчиков инсулиноподобных факторов роста (insulin like growth factor-b inding protein, далее – IGFBP) в ткани опухоли и ее перифокальной зоны у крыс обоего пола. Через 10 дней роста карциномы Герена у животных в опухоли и перифокальной зоне ИФА методом определяли содержание IGF и IGFBP. При росте карциномы Герена на фоне СД выявлены половые особенности изменения уровня глюкозы и IGF как в опухоли, так и в ее перифокальной зоне, которые могут обусловливать различия в динамике роста опухоли у самцов и самок крыс. А. Влияние сахарного диабета на содержание инсулиноподобных факторов роста и их белков-п ереносчиков в ткани опухоли Герена и ее перифокальной зоне у крыс.
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