
Abstract Objective and aim Cardiovascular disease is a key cause of premature mortality in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DMt1). According to ESC guidelines, 10-year risk of death from cardiovascular disease in 35-year-old patients with diabetes lasting ≤10 years is estimated as moderate, however studies based on the young adult patients with DMt1 are limited. The aim of this study is to identify the relationship between the duration of DMt1 and occurrence of subclinical cardiovascular target organ damage among adult patients before the age of thirty. Material and methods We included patients aged from 18 to 30 years old with childhood- or juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus type 1. In all patients 24-hour blood pressure measurement was performed and a daily pressure profile (dipper or non-dipper) was defined. Non-invasive diagnostics of subclinical cardiovascular damage included: • 2-dimensional echocardiographic examination with the assessment of global longitudinal strain (GLS), • ultrasound of the carotid arteries with the assessment of intima media thickness (IMT), • assessment of the pulse wave velocity (PWV), • assessment of flow-dependent brachial artery vasodilation (FMD), • assessment of the ankle-brachial index (ABI). Results Obtained from non-invasive examination were compared between two groups depending on duration of DMt1: group 1 ( DMt1 lasting ≤10 years) vs group 2 (DMt1 lasting >10 years). Results The study population consist of 56 patients (48% male). Group consist of 25 patients and group 2 consist of 31 patients. Statistical analysis showed that received values of GLS (P=0.04) and PWV (P=0.01) differ significantly between group 1 and group 2. Interestingly the GLS, but not PWV, showed a significant negative linear correlation with the duration of diabetes (r=0.28; P=0.03). A post-hoc analysis showed that among patients with a DMt1 duration of ≤10 years absolute GLS values were significantly lower in patients with non-dipper profile than those with a dipper profile (P=0.04) (Fig. 1). Also a post-hoc analysis demonstrated significant difference in IMT thickness among non-dipping patients according to time of DMt1 duration (P=0.01) (Fig. 1). Conclusions Subclinical target organ damage can be detected even in young adults with DMt1 (aged 18-30 years). Patients with DMt1 lasting >10 years had a significantly lower absolute GLS value and GLS value correlate with the duration of diabetes. Patients with DMt1 lasting >10 years had a significantly higher PWV value.Fig 1. Post-hoc analysis of GLS and IMT

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