
The present investigations were conducted at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kapurthala, Punjab during kharif season 2017 to evaluate the effect of different planting dates, size of bulb sets and methods of sowing on growth and yield of kharif onion. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. All the crop management practices were followed as per the recommendation of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab. The statistical analysis of data revealed that bulb weight, bulb diameter and yield increased significantly with increase in size of bulb sets and non-significant differences were recorded for plant height, number of leaves and neck thickness. The planting time also had significant effect on various parameters under study. The planting date 16 July(D2)resulted in maximum plant height, bulb diameter, bulb weight and yield. All the growth and yield contributing parameters viz plant height, number of leaves per plant, neck thickness, bulb weight and bulb yield were significantly better in bed planting as compared to flat planting system. The study revealed that planting of bulb size (2.7–3.1 cm) on 16 July by bed planting gave higher yield (223.800 q/ha) as compared to all other combinations of planting dates and size of bulb sets.

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