
This paper documents the effects of crop geometry and nitrogen levels on baby corn maize crop. In this view, a field experiment was carried out during winter(rabi) season of 2019 at Instructional cum Research Farm, IGKV, Raipur, in split plot design with three replications. It was conducted to study the effect of crop geometry and nitrogen levels on growth, yield attributes of baby corn G5414.The treatments involve four crop geometries and three nitrogen levels. Crop geometries are 30 x 20cm, 40 x 20cm, 50 x 20 cm, 60 x 20cm and nitrogen levels are 75,100,125 kg N ha-1.Result illustrated that number of young cobs plant-1, length of cob with and without husk, diameter of cob with and without husk N content in cob and fodder was found significantly higher in planting geometry of 60 x 20 cm and all these characters were also found superior under treatments receiving 125 kg N ha-1.Cob yield and harvest index was observed maximum in planting geometry of 50 x 20 cm and at the application of 125 kg N ha-1. Planting geometry of 50 x 20 cm (1,00,000 plants ha-1) with 125 kg N ha-1 gives highest gross returns (Rs. 198576 ha-1), net returns (Rs. 154337 ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.5). Further, the spacing of 50 x 20cm application of nitrogen i.e. 125 N kg ha-1 was found to be economical as it gave highest monetary benefits and B:C ratio.

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