
A field experiment was carried-out in the winter season of 2021–22 at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, to assess the effect of detasseling times and nitrogen levels on productivity and profitability of winter baby corn (Zea mays L.). The experiment comprised three detasseling times (No detasseling [Control], immediately after tassel emergence, and 7 days after tassel emergence) and four nitrogen levels (50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N/ha). A total 12 treatment combinations were evaluated in a factorial randomized-block design, replicated thrice. The results showed that detasseling immediately after tassel emergence enhanced the dry matter accumulation, yield attributes, and husked and dehusked baby corn yield by 11.4 and 15.2%, respectively and fodder yield (23.84 t/ha), over no detasseling; however, it stood at par with detasseling 7 days after tassel emergence. Further, an application of 200 kg N/ha resulted in the highest dry matter accumulation and yield attributes, finally leading to 36.9, 38.1 and 33.1%, improvement in husked, dehusked baby corn yield and fodder yield, respectively, compared to 50 kg N/ha. Using 150 kg N/ha was at par with 200 kg N/ha both for growth and yield. The net returns and benefit-cost ratio showed the similar trend as of baby corn yields. Overall, this study suggested that detasseling immediately after tassel emergence and application of 200 kg N/ha is advantageous to augment the productivity and profitability of winter baby corn under irrigated ecosystem of eastern Uttar Pradesh.

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