
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Ciprofloxacinin in 20 infectious repeat breeder crossbred cows brought to the AI centre of Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Mhow and nearby Government AI centers. Animals were divided into two groups ten in each .The animals in first group were treated with Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride @ 4 mg/kg BW IU. The animals in control group were infused with 30 ml saline IU. Bacterial count, total Cellular count and PMNs values were reduced highly significantly (P Lass Than 0.01) in Ciprofloxacin treated group than in control group. 90.00 % cows under Ciprofloxacin treatment became negative to White side test. An overall conception rate of 70.00 per cent was found in Ciprofloxacin treated repeat breeder cross bred cows.

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