Penggunaan regimen BOM-cisplatin untuk kemoterapi pasien kanker serviks masih belum memberikan hasil efektivitas yang memuaskan, sehingga dilakukan penggantian agen cisplatin dengan karboplatin. Kemoterapi BOM-karboplatin merupakan salah satu regimen terapi kanker serviks di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar. Informasi tentang efektivitas penggunaan BOM-karboplatin untuk kemoterapi kanker serviks masih sangat minim, maka dari itu penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melihat massa tumor dan infiltrasi parametrium. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus terhadap 9 pasien kanker serviks sel skuamosa stadium IIB–IIIB sebelum dan sesudah kemoterapi BOM-karboplatin di RSUP Sanglah dari bulan Februari hingga Agustus 2015 yang memenuhi kriteria. Pemeriksaan Massa Tumor dan Infiltrasi Parametrium (%CFS) dilakukan sebelum kemoterapi seri I dan sesudah kemoterapi seri III. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan consecutive sampling . Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji normalitas yaitu uji Shapiro-Wilk, selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan uji t berpasangan dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%, sedangkan data berdistribusi tidak normal ditranformasi ke bentuk fungsi logaritma lalu dianalisis dengan uji Wilcoxon . Berdasarkan analisis statistik diketahui bahwa terdapat penurunan bermakna pada massa tumor dan infiltrasi parametrium kiri sesudah 3 seri kemoterapi dengan nilai p 0.05 yaitu p>0,083. Kata kunci: BOM-cisplatin, cancer free space, kanker serviks, RSUP Sanglah Effect of Chemotherapy Bleomycin, Vincristin, Mitomycin and Carboplatin by Tumor Mass and Infiltration Parametrial for Cervical Cancer Patients: Case Study in Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar BOM-cisplatin regimen for chemotherapy for cervical cancer patients has not resulted high efficacy, hence a replacement of cisplatin with carboplatin is proposed. BOM-carboplatin chemotherapy is at present a treatment for cervical cancer patients in Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar. Information about the efficacy of using the BOM-carboplatin for cervical cancer chemotherapy is not provided, therefore this research performed by observing tumor mass and parametrial infiltration. This research was carried out using case study method on 9 patients with squamous cell cervical cancer stage IIB–IIIB before and after BOM-carboplatin chemotherapy at Sanglah Hospital from February until August 2015. Examination of tumor mass and parametrial infiltration (%CFS) conducted prior to chemotherapy series I and after chemotherapy series III. Sampling was done consecutively. The research data were analyzed using the normal distribution Shapiro-Wilk test continued by paired t-test with 95% confidence level, while data that is classified otherwise is transformed to logarithmic function and were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. Based on statistical analysis, there is significant reduction in tumor mass and left parametrial infiltration after the third chemotherapy with (p 0.05 that is p>0,083. Keywords: BOM-cisplatin, cancer free space, cervix cancer, Sanglah hospital
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