
Aim: To evaluate effect of carrot powder addition on the quality attributes of cookies produced from wheat and soy flour blends.
 Study Design: Cookies were produced from wheat flour, soy flour and carrot powder composite blends. Functional (bulk density, foam capacity, oil absorption capacity, water absorption capacity and swelling index) properties, Proximate (crude protein, ash, moisture, crude fibre, crude fat, carbohydrate and energy value) composition, Physical (weight, diameter, thickness and spread ratio) and sensory (appearance, flavour, taste, texture and overall acceptability) attributes were determined.
 Results: The functional properties showed that Bulk Density ranged from 0.82 – 0.92, Foam capacity ranged 3.92 – 5.00, Oil Absorption Capacity ranged from 0.60 – 0.97%, Water Absorption Capacity ranged from 1.05 – 1.45% and Swelling Index ranged from 2.37 – 2.75. Results of percentage proximate composition showed that moisture content ranged from 4.70 – 7.57, protein content ranged from 10.61 – 21.60, fat content ranged from 8.89 – 15.85, fibre content ranged from 1.39 – 4.30, ash content ranged from 0.70 – 1.23 and carbohydrate content ranged from 52.34 – 70.84. The physical properties showed that weight of the cookies ranged from 17.85 – 21.60, diameter ranged from 57.50 – 60.50, thickness ranged from 20.50 – 24.00 and spread ratio ranged from 2.40 – 2.91. The sensory attribute showed that cookies produced from wheat flour, soy flour and carrot powder compared well with cookies produced with wheat flour. The wheat flour cookie sample (A) was most preferred by the panellist.
 Conclusion: The functional properties of the composite flour produced from wheat, soybean and carrot powder show potential quality that when properly harnessed could be used for the production of baked product like biscuits, pastry etc. The proximate composition shows that the composite flour cookies were the most preferred sample to the 100% wheat flour cookies. This is due to its high protein, fat, ash and fibre content to that of thee 100% wheat cookies. However, in terms of proximate composition, the composite cookies were most acceptable. The physical property of the cookies indicates that the composite flour cookies were most preferred to the 100% wheat cookie. This could be seen from the high values it’s had in weight, diameter and spread ratio. However, the sensory score of the overall acceptability shows that the 100% wheat cookies were most acceptable. Though, the composite flour cookies compete very closely with 100% wheat cookies.

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