
Eighteen Large White Yorkshire piglets weaned at 10 ±2 days were divided randomly into three groups (n=6) and each group was allotted to circular (T1), horizontal (T2) device and control (T3). Piglets in T3 were reared with sow through natural suckling. Piglets were acclimatised for 5 days; during this period milk was given at the rate 25 ml per piglets four times daily. Further, during first, second, third and forth fortnights feeding continued at the rate of 100, 150 and 200 ml for four, three and two times daily in T1 and T2 devices respectively. Piglets were observed for behaviour, adaptation pattern and average milk consumption time daily, while body weight gained was recorded fortnightly. 100% of piglets in T3 showed non-nutritive suckling, belly nosing, massaging and teat order behaviours, but no such observations were recorded in T1 and T2. Adaptation pattern of piglets in T1 was 66.7 % and 100% in T2 and T3. Effects of suckling devices on average milk consumption time were 10.09 % and 13.79 % lower (Pe″0.05) in T1 and T2 device respectively compared to T3. Mean body weight gain in T1 and T2 devices were 5.12% and 16.89 % higher than T3. Horizontal suckling device (T2) performed better than T1 and T3 (control). Hence it can be recommended for early weaning in piglets.

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