
This study was conducted at animal field of the department Animal production ,College of Agriculture , University of Diyala from 1/11/2018 to 4/16/2019.In this experiment used 15of Goat female Domestic black. Animal were divided into three treatment, control treatment (without addition) T1, either second treatment T2 and third treatments T3 where seeds of cumin added 10 and 20 g/animal/day respectively, The results of this study showed there was a significant increased (P≤0.05) to treatment T3 compared with treatment T1 and T2 in milk production throughout the experiment period (three months after Birth) , The results also showed that there were changes in some milk components, T3 significantly increased after 4 weeks postpartum in protein percent to 3.11% compared with 2.51 and 2.99% in T1 and T2 respectively, while T2 was significantly higher in lactose After 8 weeks of birth, 4.60% compared with T1 and T3 there were 3.35 and 3.83%, respectively, as well as a significant superiority after 12 weeks of birth for some treatment and Significant superiority was observed in the ash content in milk for T2 treatment in 12 weeks postpartum as it was 0.68% compared with T1 and T3 there were 0.62 and 0.63% respectively, However, there was no significant effect of cumin seeds in the fat percent of goat milk through the experiment. We conclude from this study that adding cumin seeds to concentrated feed had a positive effect in increasing milk production and improvement in some milk components during different periods, especially when adding 20 g cumin / animal per day.

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