
Although hypoxia is known to affect membrane excitability of various neurons by various mechanisms, the effects of hypoxia on substantia gelatinosa (SG) neurons have not yet been elucidated. In whole-cell or perforated patch-clamp recordings from SG neurons, we showed that acute hypoxia induces a reversible hyperpolarization of -6.1+/-1.3 mV of the resting membrane potential and an outwards current of 9.48+/-1.71 pA at a holding potential of -60 mV. The reversal potentials of the hypoxia-induced current depended on [K(+)](o). The hypoxia-induced hyperpolarization and outwards current were abolished completely by BaCl(2), but not by CsCl. Glibenclamide, a blocker of K(ATP) channels, blocked the hypoxia-induced hyperpolarization. Pretreatment with cromakalim, an opener of K(ATP) channels, occluded the hypoxia-induced hyperpolarization. Any alteration by hypoxia was not observed in the presence of an internal solution with a high [ATP] (10 mM). The above results suggest that hypoxia-induced hyperpolarization in SG neurons is mediated by activation of K(ATP) channels.

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