This paper analyzes various effects of acceptance and commitment therapy combined with music relaxation therapy on the self-identity of the college students. Through open recruitment and following the principle of voluntary and confidential, 80 college students were selected from our school, and then they were divided into two groups: the control group (40 cases) and the observation group (40 cases). The observation group received acceptance and commitment therapy combined with music relaxation therapy. For the control group, conventional mental health interventions were administered. Two months after intervention, psychological status, mental resilience, and quality of life scores were compared between the two groups. Before intervention, there was no significant difference in SAS and SDS scores between the two groups (P > 0.05). After intervention, SAS and SDS scores were significantly higher than those in the control group, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Before intervention, there was no significant difference in the scores of toughness, strength, and optimism between the two groups (P > 0.05). After intervention, the scores of toughness, strength, and optimism in the two groups were all improved, and the scores of mental resilience in the observation group were higher than those in the control group, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). Before intervention, there was no significant difference in the quality of life scores between the observation group and the control group (P > 0.05). After intervention, the quality of life score of the observation group was higher than that of the control group, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The combined application of acceptance and commitment therapy and music relaxation therapy can help college students to improve their mental state, improve their mental resilience, enhance their evaluation of life quality, improve their sense of self-identity, and reduce the probability of the occurrence of unhealthy emotions such as depression.
Individual self-identity of college students has an important influence on stress coping level, anxiety, and depression, which is of great significance to the harmonious development of individual psychology [1]
Is paper analyzes various effects of acceptance and commitment therapy combined with music relaxation therapy on the self-identity of the college students. rough open recruitment and following the principle of voluntary and confidential, 80 college students were selected from our school, and they were divided into two groups: the control group (40 cases) and the observation group (40 cases). e observation group received acceptance and commitment therapy combined with music relaxation therapy
There was no significant difference in Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) scores between the two groups (P > 0.05)
Individual self-identity of college students has an important influence on stress coping level, anxiety, and depression, which is of great significance to the harmonious development of individual psychology [1]. Relevant studies have shown that acceptance and commitment therapy can improve the negative emotions of college students, such as anxiety and depression, promote their mental health, and enhance their self-identity [6, 7]. Music is regarded as a tool with inherent healing and healing properties and used as a tool for interaction and Journal of Healthcare Engineering self-expression in therapy to help clients improve their physical, psychological, and social functional states in the intervention process [8]. At present, both therapies have been gradually applied. Both therapies have been gradually applied. is study attempts to combine acceptance and commitment therapy and music relaxation therapy, to analyze the effect of combined therapy on college students’ self-identity, and to explore a more effective intervention method for self-identity
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