
Abstract In this study, the impact of a probiotic product, Promarine was evaluated on the growth responses of post larvae of Indian white prawn, Fenneropenaeus indicus . There were three treatments and a control in the study. Promarine was either separately administered through water at 15 ppm/m 3 (Treatment 1) and through a commercial feed containing 35% protein at a concentration of 0.5% (Treatment 2) or in combination through water and feed (Treatment 3). The control was maintained without administering Promarine. The experiment lasted for a period of 90 days in fiber glass tanks (200 liter). Higher growth rates were observed in juveniles grown on Promarine through feed (Treatment 2) and water (treatment 1) when compared with Treatment 3 and control. There were no significant differences in water ammonia and nitrite concentrations among the treatments. Promarine was found to enhance growth and survival of post larvae of F. indicus. Keywords : Probiotics, shrimp postlarvae, Bacillus subtilis , Fenneropenaeus indicus, aquaculture biotechnology. Ozet Probiyotik Urun Olan Promarinenin Beyaz Hindistan Karidesinin, Penaeus ( Fenneropenaeus) Indicus Buyumesine Etkisi Bu calismada, probiyotik urun olan promarinin beyaz Hint karidesi, Fenneropenaeus indicus larvalarinin buyumesine etkisi degerlendirilmistir. Calismada uc muamele ve bir kontrol kullanilmistir. Promarine 15 ppm/m 3 su (Tedavi 1), % 0.5 konsantrasyonda % 35 protein ihtiva eden ticari yem (Tedavi 2) ya da su ve yem ile kombinasyon halinde (Tedavi 3) tatbik edilmistir. Kontrolde Promarine tatbik edilmemistir. Deney fiberglas tanklarda (200 litre) 90 gunluk bir surede yurutulmustur. Kontrol grubu ve Tedavi 3 ile karsilastirildiginda en yuksek buyume oranlari Promarine yem (Tedavi 2) ve suyla (Tedavi 1) verilen yavrularda gozlenmistir. Tedaviler arasinda suda amonyak ve nitrit konsantrasyonlarinda onemli farkliliklar gorulmedi. Promarinenin F. indicus post larva buyume ve yasamasini gelistirdigi bulunmustur. Anahtar kelimeler : Probiyotikler, karides postlarva, Bacillus subtilis, Fenneropenaeus indicus , su urunleri, biyoteknoloji.

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