
BACKGROUND: The persisting high incidence of complications in removable acrylic dentures should convince the researchers to understand the consequences of denture use on the oral health and whole organism.
 AIM: To examine the peculiarities of the oral mucosal immunity in patients with partial removable acrylic dentures and to evaluate the efficacy of the application of Asepta Prodontal denture fixation agent.
 MATERIAL AND METHODS: Mucosal immunity was studied in 93 (24 men and 69 women) elderly patients (aged 61 74 years) with partial tooth loss who were divided into three study groups. Patients in the control group 1 (n=30) did not use any dentures. Group 2 (n=33) had partial removable acrylic dentures and from the first day of the adaptation period were offered to use the domestic denture fixation cream Asepta Parodontal (ZAO VERTEX, Saint Petersburg, Russia). Partial removable acrylic dentures were also made for group 3 (n=30), but their adaptation period was conducted without the application of domestic Asepta Parodontal denture fixation cream.
 RESULTS: On day 15 of the adaptation period in groups 2 and 3, inflammatory changes in the denture bed mucosa were revealed in 9.1% and 56.7% of the cases, respectively. On day 30 of dynamic observation in groups 2 and 3, inflammatory changes in the prosthetic bed mucosa were noted in 6.1% and 40.0% of the cases, respectively. The average numbers of visits to the doctor for denture correction in groups 2 and 3 were 1.33 and 2.76, respectively. A significant increase was found in the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines on day 15 of the study in the saliva of patients with removable dentures, who used them without the denture fixation agent Asepta Parodontal, whereas patients using Asepta Parodontal showed an increase only in interleukins (IL) 6 and 8. Moreover, on day 30 of the study, no differences from the control group were observed in the concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines compared with the group using domestic denture fixation cream, and in the group without using the cream, no decrease in the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines was noted. The concentration of RAIL and IL-10 increased in group 3 on both day 15 and 30, whereas no significant differences were observed in the group using the cream.
 CONCLUSION: Better prosthetic bed condition, decreased concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines with a simultaneous elevation of secretory IgA in the oral cavity, testifying to the decrease in inflammation, and an increase in the immunity of the oral mucosa was noted in patients using Asepta Parodontal denture fixation agent.

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