This research was conducted at the Department of Cooperatives and UMKM in Padang City. It aims to describe the effectiveness of the role of the Padang City Cooperative and UMKM Service in Small and Medium Enterprise Development in Purus Village, Padang City. The effectiveness of the role has several problems that arise, causing the effectiveness of the role to be disrupted and less than optimal for the Padang City Cooperative and UMKM Office. The problem of role effectiveness continues to increase so that more attention is needed by the Padang City Cooperative and UMKM Office in the effectiveness of its role. This studied use a qualitative methods and descriptive approaches which aims to describe, record, explain, interpret (describe) and describe the effectiveness of the role of the Padang City Cooperative and UMKM Service in Small and Medium Business Development in Purus Village, Padang City. The selection of informants are determined by thecnique purposive sampling.. The types of data are primary and secondary data collected through observation, interviews and documentation study. The data analysis techniques used can be grouped into 3 stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.He point of view of this studied is the Implementation of the role of the Padang City Cooperative and UMKM Service in Small and Medium Business Development in Purus Village, Padang City has been effective and well implemented, but has not been in accordance with what is expected of UMKM actors to be given marketing and packaging training for UMKM players. In implementing its role it is less effective due to a lack of budget for developing UMKM in Purus sub-district and not all UMKM get assistance with facilities and infrastructure. External constraints on the Effectiveness of the Role of the Padang City Cooperative and UMKM Service in UMKM Development In Purus Village, Padang City is disturbed by the Covid-19 pandemic which hinders the Role of the Padang City Cooperative and UMKM Office in the Development of UMKM in Purus Village, Padang City.
PENDAHULUAN Efektivitas ialah sebuah tolak ukur yang menjelaskan seberapa besar sasaran yang telah dicapai
This research was conducted at the Department of Cooperatives
It aims to describe the effectiveness of the role
Berdasarkan data y ang diperoleh di Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Kota Padang diketahui bahwa tingkat jumlah UMKM Kota Padang sempat mengalami kenaikan yaitu pada tahun 2018 sebesar 53 UMKM yang dilatih langsung oleh Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM. Dari hasil penelitian yang dikerjakan di lapangan oleh penulis dapat dipahami bahwa Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Kota Padang belum maksimal melakukan pelatihan dalam membina para pelaku UMKM tersebut. Sedangkan dalam hasil penelitian yang dikerjakan di lapangan oleh penulis dapat dipahami bahwa Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Kota Padang sudah memberikan bantuan kepada setiap pelaku UMKM dalam pembinaan dan pengarahan melalui tenaga pendamping UMKM. Sedangkan dalam hasil penelitian yang dikerjakan di lapangan oleh penulis dapat dipahami bahwa Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Kota Padang melaksanakan tugasnya secara efektif dan efesien seperti pengecekkan terhadap fasilitas pelaku UMKM yang masih tidak bersih, penertiban UMKM yang masih berdiri di diatas fasilitas umum.
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