
This study aims to test the effectiveness of concrete media on literacy capabilities. The subjects in this study were 11 grade students of Sapit Elementary School, totaling 11 people, consisting of 6 men and 5 women. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling, which is a sampling technique that uses all samples from the population members. The data collection method in this study uses quantitative experimental methods, namely by giving certain treatment on the experimental target to find the effect of cause and effect between independent variables and dependent variables. The experimental form used is pre-experimental design with the One Pretest posttest design technique, using instruments in the form of tests, interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of nominal data to the conclusion stage through the normality test, simple linear regression test, coefficient/determination test, and the hypothesis test using the t test. The results showed that there was the effectiveness of concrete media on the ability of Indonesian literacy to be class III students of Sapit Elementary School. This is evidenced by the results of data analysis in the form of data normality tests with an average pretest value of 42, 90 and the average posttest value of 76.72, meaning that the effectiveness of concrete media is seen from student learning outcomes on reading and writing skills of 33.82 . In addition, the correlation coefficient value is also obtained by 0.89 which means there is reciprocity or cause and effect between the two variables. The regression coefficient test also shows a change in the value of learning outcomes by 79%. Then through the hypothesis test, the tcount > ttable value is 5,933> 2,262, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on the predetermined hypothesis, it means that there is the effectiveness of concrete media on the ability of Indonesian literacy to class III students in Sapit Elementary School.

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