Productive zakat is zakat given to a person or group of people to be used as working capital. Giving productive zakat to mustahik MSME actors is expected to help increase Mustahik's income so that it can reduce poverty levels. Productive zakat distribution at Baznas is expected to be able to alleviate poverty in society. In 2018, Pedan District was one of the areas selected by Baznas in distributing productive zakat to MSME players. This sub-district is located in Klaten Regency which has a position as one of the development centers of Klaten Regency. The majority of Pedan people work as MSME actors, so that if the potential of this community can be maximized it will reduce the level of poverty in the area. This research is a field research (field research). To achieve this goal the writer uses a qualitative descriptive approach. In this study, primary data was generated from interviews with mustahik who received assistance from Baznas. Meanwhile, secondary data is obtained from books, journals and related laws and regulations. The results showed that the distribution of productive zakat at Baznas to MSME players in Pedan has had a positive impact on increasing their business results as seen from the amount of mustahik income before and after receiving productive zakat calculated from the total net income of MSMEs after receiving assistance from Baznas, return or net profit received by mustahik in 2018 and 2019, the final capital analysis is calculated after the total liabilities and equity of MSME businesses, the level of capital growth (Pedan people) before and after receiving productive zakat
Kemiskinan merupakan salah satu problem utama dalam pembangunan bangsa
The results showed that the distribution of productive zakat at Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas) to MSME players in Pedan has had a positive impact on increasing their business results as seen from the amount of mustahik income before and after receiving productive zakat calculated from the total net income of MSMEs after receiving assistance from Baznas, return or net profit received by mustahik in 2018 and 2019, the final capital analysis is calculated after the total liabilities and equity of MSME businesses, the level of capital growth (Pedan people) before and after receiving productive zakat
Telisik Perlakuan Teori Entitas Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah
Kemiskinan merupakan salah satu problem utama dalam pembangunan bangsa. Integrasi program penurunan tingkat kemiskinan telah menjadi bagian dari agenda pembangunan nasional sejak negeri ini merdeka (Departemen Ekonomi Dan Keuangan Syariah –Bank Indonesia, 2016: 5). Potensi zakat ini jika digarap dengan baik, akan menjadi sumber pendanaan yang sangat besar, sehingga dapat menjadi kekuatan pendorong pemberdayaan ekonomi umat dan pemerataan pendapatan (Edwin, 2007: 211). Ditengah potensi yang dirasa cukup besar untuk pengembangan usaha masyarakat, beberapa diantaranya ada masyarakat miskin yang membutuhkan sentuhan dari pemerintah ataupun lembaga lain yang dirasa dapat memberikan suntikan modal serta pendampingan guna pengembangan usaha mereka. Pada tahun 2018, Baznas telah berperan dalam memberikan bantuan sebesar 5 juta Rupiah kepada para pelaku UMKM di Kecamatan Pedan yang mempunyai produk atau lahan usaha yang membutuhkan modal agar produk atau usaha yang mereka geluti dapat bersaing dan mempunyai nilai tambah bagi kehidupan mereka. Disini penulis mengkaji efektivitas implementasi zakat produktif untuk pemberian modal usaha kepada mustahik pelaku UMKM yang akan dilihat dari tingkat pendapatan mustahik sebelum dan sesudah menerima zakat produktif
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