
Reciting Barzanji is a tradition that has long practiced among Muslim community, and performed in special ceremony or occasion. Even though the books known as Barzanji, in fact the origin title is ‘Iqd al-Jawahir (the strands of jewels), as the Prophet himself. Barzanji refer to the author Syekh Ja’far ibn Hasan ibn Abdul Karim ibn Muhammad al-Barzanji (1690 -1763 M) a sufi scholar, whose born in Madinah and relate to Barzan (Kurdistan) tribe. Based on the content, the author of barzanji present Islamic knowledge regarding with the life of Prophet (sirah). In Aceh, particularly in Julok distric East Aceh, the famous hand book of barzanji called Majmu’ah Maulud Syaraf al-Anam. That book written and recited in arabic, and that must be an issue wheather local people understand or not toward the content. Therefore this article obtain to figure out the barzanji tradition toward people knowledge of religious understanding effectivenessly. This research apply field research method, which is observation and interview used as the tool for collecting the data. From observation and interview find out reciting barzanji tradition in Julok district, East Aceh that practised by local people is not in line with their understanding of Islamic knowledge. Whereas the tradition for them as a ceremony, entertainment, gathering and hospitality.

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