
Da'wah is the activity of calling and inviting people to do good. Da'wah is usually done by means of cultural preaching or preaching bil-verbal, but today da'i must be able to preach using contemporary da'wah, namely with the media or bil-qolam. And one of the effective da'wah media at this time is da'wah through multimedia in the form of advertisements, whether printed or electronic. this research uses library method (library). The location of this research is located in IAIN Raden Intan Lampung Library. The results of the study found that preaching was delivered verbally, bil-qolam could also be conveyed through or using multimedia in the form of advertising (advertising). Da'wah through very effective advertising from family da'wah, health preaching, educational preaching, preaching human life with the Creator of Allah SWT. All can be effectively accepted by the audience or wadli. In this research dakwah very effective through medi in the form of advertisement.Message, Da'wah, Advertisement.

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