
General anaesthesia has a high risk during surgery, regional anaesthesia with nerve block is expected to minimize the use of general anaesthesia while increase the analgesic effect and muscle relaxation effect. This study aimed to compare the analgesic effects of sciatic nerve block on the hind limb and the effect of lidocaine 2%, and a combination of 2% lidocaine with 2% xylazine on sheep cardiopulmonary function. Sciatic nerve block was guided with ultrasonography and nerve stimulator. In this research, sheep were sedated with diazepam (0.5 mg / kg). Sheep was divided into three groups; first injected with saline solution (SS), second with lidocaine 2% 5 mg / kg (Lid) and third with lidocaine 2% 5 mg / kg and xylazine 2% 0.1 mg / kg (LidXyl). The results of this research showed that the LidXyl group had the highest analgesic effect and broader blockade area, namely femoris, cruris, and metatarsus-digit. The LidXyl blockade value was highest in the digitmetatarsus region, while the Lid group shows the highest blockade value in the cruris region. The LidXyl group with the addition of xylazine results in a decrease in heart rate and respiration rate. Xylazine increased and extended analgesic effect compared to lidocaine but resulted in a decrease in heart rate and respiration rate in the early minutes of anaesthesia, it is however safe to be used in sheep.


  • LidXyl group with the addition of xylazine results in a decrease in heart rate and respiration rate

  • General anaesthesia has a high risk during surgery, regional anaesthesia with nerve block is expected to minimize the use of general anaesthesia while increase the analgesic effect and muscle relaxation effect

  • This study aimed to compare the analgesic effects of sciatic nerve block on the hind limb and the effect of lidocaine 2%, and a combination of 2% lidocaine with 2% xylazine on sheep cardiopulmonary function

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Jurnal Veteriner

LidXyl group with the addition of xylazine results in a decrease in heart rate and respiration rate. Blokade saraf banyak digunakan pada manusia sebagai substitusi dari anestesi umum untuk meningkatkan analgesik selama operasi dan kenyamanan pasien setelah operasi Penelitian dengan blokade saraf sudah banyak dilaporkan pada manusia dan hewan. Penanganan bedah untuk kasus ortopedik daerah femorotibiale pada hewan sering menggunakan blokade saraf perifer untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri selama operasi yang dapat mengurangi dosis anestesi umum (Wagner et al, 2011). Proses blokade saraf tepi membutuhkan kondisi hewan yang tenang sehingga dibutuhkan efek sedasi pada hewan coba (Campoy et al, 2010; Echeverry et al, 2010; Farre et al, 2011). Ischiadicus dengan anestetikum lokal dan xylazine pada domba parahyangan belum pernah dilaporkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan efek analgesik lidocaine dan kombinasi lidocaine dan xylazine, serta pengaruhnya terhadap kondisi cardiopulmonary tubuh pada blokade n. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan efek analgesik lidocaine dan kombinasi lidocaine dan xylazine, serta pengaruhnya terhadap kondisi cardiopulmonary tubuh pada blokade n. ischiadicus domba parahyangan

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