
The main scope of this article is to highlight the potential of student interactions in Scienceteaching, from educational resources in augmented reality, and its effect on the development of spatialvisualization skills. Therefore, it presents a contextualization about Science teaching, the use of reallaboratories, as well as its limitations, presenting as an alternative the use of educational resources inaugmented reality with the support of mobile devices. The solution was tested in activities thatcomplement the Science teaching and learning process with basic education students in Brazil. It aimedto investigate whether students' interactions with educational resources in augmented reality cancontribute to the development of spatial visualization skills. The methodological procedures wereorganized in a quasi-experimental approach, through activities foreseen in a test protocol carried outwith 208 participants divided into two groups: Control (n=96 subjects) and Experimental (n=112subjects). In general terms, the results of this research point to contributions arising from theinteractions of students with educational resources in augmented reality, both for the development ofspatial visualization skills, as well as for the observation of the phenomenon and understanding of theabstract concepts associated with it, formulation and testing of hypotheses, as well as conclusions fromthe situations experienced.

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