
Smoking is considered one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the general population. In Chile, the prevalence of smoking reaches 36.7% in men and 28.5% in women. In this context, several pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies have been proposed to promote the cessation of their use, as well as to counteract the comorbidities associated with prolonged smoking. Among them, physical exercise has been traditionally considered, due to its impact on the promotion of cessation of smoking, as well as its effects in reducing the clinical manifestations of withdrawal syndrome. However, studies conducted in animal models during the last 10 years have provided strong data to support the hypothesis that regular practice of physical exercise would also be effective in preventing or modulating oxidative stress and the inflammatory response induced by tobacco, preventing the organic deterioration of exposed physiological systems. The objective of this review is to discuss the publishedevidence regarding the biological effects induced by physical exercise and its impact on the reversion of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the comorbidities associated with smoking, focusing the analysis on the mechanisms of oxidative stress and inflammatory response of the respiratory and cardiovascular system.


  • Smoking is considered one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the general population

  • Estudios realizados en modelos animales durante los últimos 10 años han proporcionado datos contundentes para sustentar la hipótesis de que la práctica regular de ejercicio físico sería también efectiva para prevenir o modular el estrés oxidativo y la respuesta inflamatoria inducida por el tabaco, previniendo el deterioro orgánico de los sistemas fisiológicos expuestos

  • 41.- NESI RT, DE SOUZA PS, DOS SANTOS GP, THIRUPATHI A, MENEGALI BT, SILVEIRA PC, et al Physical exercise is effective in preventing cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary oxidative response in mice

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Breve revisión de la fisiopatología del tabaquismo

El humo del cigarrillo contiene una alta concentración de oxidantes y radicales libres. Estas moléculas reaccionan rápidamente para formar peroxinitrito (ONOO), el cual, promueve intensamente la peroxidación de lípidos y oxidación de grupos sulfidrilos[15,16]. Los alquitranes del tabaco contienen oxidantes de naturaleza orgánica (semiquinonas, quinonas e hidroquinonas) que reaccionan con O2 para producir altas concentraciones de peróxido de hidrógeno (H2O2) y anión hidroxilo (OH) en el epitelio[17]. El O2* producido por este complejo enzimático promueve mecanismos necesarios para la homeostasis celular[20, 21], no obstante, los componentes del tabaco agudizan los incrementos en la síntesis de O2*, favoreciendo el estrés oxidativo[22,23,24]. EFECTOS BIOLÓGICOS PROTECTORES DEL EJERCICIO EN MODELOS EXPERIMENTALES DE TABAQUISMO. Resumen de la evidencia de los efectos del ejercicio en modelos experimentales de tabaquismo

Natación Inicia posterior al protocolo de tabaquismo
Efecto biológico del ejercicio
Conclusiones generales y futuras directrices
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