
This contribution opens wich some general information on the registration ofspeech and the use of corpora. Then the focus is on spontaneous speech: howis "spontaneous speech" defined, why is it so important to study this type ofspeech and which problems can arise when scudying it? Next, we focus oncorpora of spontaneous speech: (a) corpora created before the realization ofthe Spoken Ducch Corpus ("Corpus Gesproken Nederlands" or CGN), (b)the CGN itself and (c) a subcorpus of the CGN, the so-called "teachers'corpus".Finally we discuss some problems which arose in two studies, based onspontaneous speech from the "teachers' corpus": a study on vowel reductionand a study on speech rate. Keywords: Dutch, (corpora of) spontaneousspeech, Spoken Dutch Corpus, language variation.

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