
The article is devoted to the study of the development of «green» energy in Ukraine. Extraction of non-renewable resources reduces our reserves, and using in the process of production and consumption leads to global warming. Further development of «green» energy will reduce the problems associated with environmental pollution and ensure consumer demand for clean energy at low prices. The article analyzes in details the current state of «green» energy of the country, considers promising opportunities for investment in the industry by Ukrainian and foreign entrepreneurs, which will create and implement new technologies in production, modernize obsolete enterprises. The main problems of using alternative energy sources are highlighted, the prospects for the development of «green» energy are determined, the possibilities and expediency of the transition to ecological types of energy are considered, taking into account the features of the country's economy. The article considers and analyzes the energy balance of the state, which is significantly dominated by the use of nuclear fuel, coal and gas. The use of modern and advanced technologies in the use of renewable energy sources will increase the share of clean energy in the energy balance of the country. The chronology of development of solar power plants in Ukraine is considered. It is noted that due to scientific and technological progress, reduction of prices for solar power plant equipment, «green» tariff capacity of generating alternative energy facilities will continue to grow. The volumes of energy production, which is produced with the help of renewable sources, are analyzed, the number of enterprises that receive income from the sale of electricity at the «green» tariff is considered. A comparative analysis of the size of the «green» tariff in Ukraine and European countries, the prospects for solving existing problems, proposed measures to fully disclose the potential use of alternative energy sources. The positive aspects of the use of alternative energy are analyzed; the role of the country in the process of implementing an effective energy strategy, creating an electricity market and the country's transition to a carbon-neutral economy is analyzed.

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