
In adolescence, there are health risks, one of which is promiscuous sexual behaviour. The vulnerable age in adolescents is early adolescence. Education through interactive games is needed to improve adolescents' understanding of promiscuous sexual behaviour. Card games can be used to give sexual education to adolescence. The study aims to increase adolescents' knowledge and attitudes about promiscuous sex. The method used is quantitative with a pre-experimental research design. The population of this study was grade 8 students at SMPIT Insan Rabbani, 54 respondents with inclusion criteria, aged 13-14 years and willing to be respondents. The sample was 54 people taken through a purposive sampling technique. The intervention is carried out for 60 minutes. The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon-signed rank test. The results of the univariate analysis showed that 66.7% were male, 75.9% were 14 years old, the last education of fathers was 53.7% middle, while 46.3% of mothers had secondary and higher education levels, and the sources of information obtained by respondents about promiscuous sex were 51.9% through friends. The results of bivariate analysis using the Wilcoxon-signed rank test obtained a p-value of 0.000 (<0.005), meaning that sex education with card games influences the level of knowledge and attitudes about promiscuous sex in adolescents. Nurses are expected to be able to develop interactive media and methods in conducting health education for adolescents, especially with the topic of preventing free sex behaviour.

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