
See of the necessity that the education has of incorporating the technologies of the information and the communication TICs to the teaching-learning processes. The investigation group TICA: Technology, Investigation and science applied since for several years come developing projects of incorporation of TICs in the education. One of these projects is the one that today is presented in this document and whose purpose has been to identify solutions of educational software: simulation systems, virtual educational environments, educational software, among the most outstanding. But with an added value that you/they should be developed standard first floor of free software that you/they guarantee their use, modification and execution without restrictions for the final user or the institution that he/she wants to use them. Around this topic you beginning an investigation from the year 2007, which begin with the topic of pretenders developed in free software for physics, when going developing this topic was being identified all kinds of solutions of free software, making with it that in a parallel way you began to inventory these solutions. Today per today they have been identified near 2500 solutions of free software among pretenders, learning environments and other solutions with educational use. And seeing this great volume you design a repository of pretenders in free software which has been denominated Open Simulates Source. This portal has as purpose to index all development of free educational software.

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