
Background. The primary task for the authors of the article is the issue of considering the variability and ways of social adaptation of elder people, their activity and sufficient communication. Tourism is the most effective mean combining all conditions above.
 Purpose. To consider and characterize the “concept of learning tourism”. Objectives: to identify institutions that provide touristic services to the elderly; identify the main themes of the third age tourism; to determine the types of educational tourism; to formulate trends in the development of tourism for elder people.
 Research materials and methods: comparative analysis, which provided an opportunity to compare and summarize information about the organizational forms of educational tourism for elder people. The method of translation, interpretation and analysis of scientific works, documentary sources, Internet materials allowed us to draw reasonable conclusions. Data synthesis and analogy methods were applied to systematize information and identify patterns and distinctive features of “educational tourism” for the elderly.
 Results. The article gives a qualitative description of “educational tourism”: this concept is considered; the basic needs and preferences of older people in tourism services are identified; types of educational tourism and its thematic directions are defined; prospects for the development of tourism for the elderly are noted. The article summarizes the concept of “educational tourism” in relation to Russian reality and outlines the main trends in the development of this direction.
 Practical implications. The obtained results can be applied in the field of educational tourism in Russia; in the development and implementation of touristic programs, taking into account the specific features of Russia; the materials under research are applicable for teaching students at colleges and universities.

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