
We will present the development of a seminar course on radio frequency microelectromechanical systems (RF MEMS) and RF Microsystems. The seminar course will be divided into six topics that span over a 12-week summer. Each module will represent a topic of this seminar course to include (I) understanding of RF microsystems, (2) RF micromachined passive devices, (3) RF microelectromechanical devices (EMS), (4) impact of RF micromachined devices and MEW on RF microsystems, (5) fundamentals of micromachming fahrication, and (6) integration and packaging of RF MEMS and microsystems. This seminar course will be published in six multi-media modules that are inpower point presentations with audio. These modules will be widely disseminated in the technical and educational communities as well as web sites. 'Ws course will be a tanght on site at the University of Califomia at Davis during summer quarters. The intent of this course is to provide students supplemental materials for traditional undergraduate electrical curriculums and to introduce students to RF MEMS and packaging of microsystems.

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