
The purpose of the article is to show the place of pedagogical and industrial practices, internships, and diploma projects in the life of students of Zhytomyr Institution of Higher Education in the 20-30s of the twentieth century based on available scientific literature, archival sources, and materials from the periodicals of that time, to find out the number of graduates of this institution. The research methodology is based on the principles of concrete-historical approach or historicism, objectivity, comprehensiveness and integrity, systematicity, as well as the use of the method of analysis and synthesis, historical-genetic, historical-typological, and problem-chronological methods. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time such directions of educational activity of students of the Zhytomyr Pedagogical Institution of Higher Education as practical training, annual internship, excursion activities, thesis writing, etc. are comprehensively demonstrated. Conclusions. During the 20-30’s of the twentieth century, in the Zhytomyr Pedagogical Institution of Higher Education attention was paid to students’ pedagogical and industrial practices, internships, excursions, and quality training of graduate students. Pedagogical practice was a vital component of teacher training. The authors note that an important component in teacher training was pedagogical practice. It reflected the peculiarities of Soviet pedagogical education, which focused on training "labor" intelligentsia. Foremost, it concerned such a component as experience/acquaintance with industrial and agricultural production. The trainees got acquainted with the work of different types of educational institutions, worked as assistants to teachers and educators, and in the third year independently conducted pedagogical work. An integral part of the students' educational activities was conducting general and educational excursions, students undergoing a one-year practical internship, during which they demonstrated the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. As in our time, graduates demonstrated different levels of knowledge and skills. This fact did not stop the government from encouraging an increase in the number of graduates. Higher pedagogical education in the period under study gradually acquired signs of mass, which could not but affect its quality. The introduction of distance learning also benefited from the growing number of graduates. The best graduates were invited to teach. Further research is needed in the humanities programs of the outlined educational institutions, the topics of term papers, and graduate works, which will expand the understanding of the mechanisms of formation and education of the "real Soviet man".

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