
The article is devoted to the problem of building a new worldview discourse in the consideration of issues of education of persons with disabilities. The conditions of the pandemic pose a certain risk of reducing the level of social interactions and educational opportunities for persons with disabilities due to the limitations that are characteristic of this entire social group as a whole. One of the new ways of solving this problem is the rationale for strategic communications, the purpose of which is to prevent or minimize threats that may reduce the quality of education of this social group. Based on a new worldview discourse, the authors of the article distinguish two types of strategic communications, where the first type, from the standpoint of humanistic approach, involves external interactions and is focused on creating social conditions for the education of persons with disabilities, as well as on preventing social threats. The second type of strategic communications, internal, is associated with the use of a system-structural approach to an educational institution, is considered as a complex of internal interactions directly related to the educational process of persons with disabilities. It is taken into account that the content of supporting the educational process within the framework of an educational institution for a student with a disability in a pandemic is insufficient. It is supposed to activate external interactions that create additional social conditions for full-fledged complex support, including the necessity of using social advertising. The problem of complex socio-pedagogical and psychological support for persons with disabilities in the conditions of using the potential of a metropolis is posed and substantiated. The inclusion of a student with a disability in such a broad social context gives him or her the opportunity to more fully acquire of subjectivity through participation in socially meaningful activities. The choice and justification of strategic communications in the field of education of persons with disabilities can not only contribute to the development of social activity, success in learning, but also creates conditions for professional growth and promotes social creativity of persons with disabilities.

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