
Gifted children’s education is one of the most relevant pedagogical and psychological problemsin education worldwide. The inclusion of gifted education programs in schools depends on theeducational system and teachers’ education and experiences. This study explores Lithuanianteachers’ view and experiences regarding the education of gifted children. A total of 500 teachers,representing 45 schools in Lithuania, participated in a written survey. Study data were collectedthrough written responses to a survey which included: questions regarding experiences workingwith gifted children (12 questions) and respondents’ demographics. The questions with responsechoices provided explored the areas of respondents’ experiences in gifted education, including theapplication of gifted children’s education programs in their school; work experience with giftedstudents; and preparation and willingness to work with gifted children. Reflecting on the results,it’s clear that Lithuanian teachers face great difficulties in educating gifted children, dependingon both external/objective conditions (funding, appropriate atmosphere, working conditions,cooperation among teachers) and’ subjective experiences (well-being, emotional state, evaluation,and feeling of the significance of their work).

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