
Various methods of reading the Quran have been implemented to improve the skills of young children reading the Quran in Indonesia. One of them is using the local wisdom of Buginese spelling. This research aims to explore improving the Quran reading skills of young children using Buginese spelling, and to make out the Quran reading skills of young children. This research used a qualitative method with a phenomenological design. This research involved seven important informants who were believed to be able to provide the required data. It consisted of four Quran teachers, one religious instructor and two early childhood students. Data was collected through observation and in-depth interviews. Data analysis went through four stages, namely; data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that Quran education using the local wisdom of Buginese spelling has been proven to increase Quran reading in early childhood. This happens because it is easy to understand and applied interactively and collaboratively and the strong support from the government and society. The implication of this research is that to strengthen the teaching of reading the Quran to early childhood, interaction between teachers and students is very necessary. Since every teaching method that is carried out interactively in language that is easy to understand will bring maximum results. Finally, it recommend that the local wisdom of regional languages as a language of instruction to improve early childhood Quran reading skills can be applied to communities that are still isolated from the local language.

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