
The Permanent Education in Health (PEH) is a worldwide political-pedagogical strategy recognized to consolidate the public health systems, once the training of professional is dedicated to the demands of the capitalist market and doesn’t serve the needs of the health of the population. The education in Brazil was considered a functional component of the Single Health System (SHS) and the PEH got the regulation of public policy in 2004, considering the extended concept of health and aiming the attention to the interdisciplinary and intersectional perspective, valuing the development of skills and capabilities and the autonomy of the individuals involved. Following the principles and organizational guidelines of SHS, the policy of PEH aims to strengthen the decentralization and the power of the municipal districts. For its implementation, the way adopted by the Health Department was the construction of Terminals, local-region places, with the task of integrating the quadrangle health, users, workers, managers and the instructors, by means of the pedagogy of the circle to identify problems and priorities of training and to indicate actors with the potential for mobilization, the facilitators, to set off an educative process in several regions of the country. Thus, the study aims to identify, analyze and explain experiences which raise the potency of PEH as a strategy to the training of health workers and consolidation of SHS in Franca/SP local-region. The research was built from the theoretical concern of authors who discuss the meaningful learning, they analyze the operation of social policies and the several interfaces of health policy, over all from the observation of the experience built by health workers, individuals from this research. To understand the reality movement and contradictions and conflicts that emerge from that it was adopted a qualitative approach and the use of semi-structured interviews. The individual’s speech highlights the needs of training and disposition of workers to revise concepts and experiment new technologies to improve the quality of the service, at the same time, the management of de SHS in the local-region didn’t show the necessary compromise for implantation of that policy. For Workers and individuals protagonists of health are, therefore, the challenges for searching alternatives to disseminate permanent education and health as universal and integral human right. Keys-words: Health. Permanent education in health. Social politics. Heath politics. Single Health System. SARRETA, Fernanda de Oliveira. Educacion permanente en salud para los trabajadores del SUS. 2009. 233 p. Tesis (Doctorado en Servicio Social) Facultad de Historia, Derecho y Servicio Social, Universidad Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho”, Franca, 2009.

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