
This article presents a reflective approach of the curricular organization that has today for Early Childhood Education with the promulgation of the BNCC and the curricular trajectory in the last decades through bibliographical revisions in the Brazilian legislations, in the bibliographies as books, scientific articles, magazines and electronic documents. contemporary and traditional in the search and allocation of knowledge about early childhood education, its importance and its trajectory all discussed by a theoretical framework that briefly conceptualizes the legislative landscape with the directives and curriculum references for early childhood education the very Common Base Curriculum for Early Childhood Education where this document reinforces the curricular organization and standardizes the activities at this stage with pillars established in Learning Rights and premises on six bases that are: Live, Play, Participate, Explore, Express and Know, to be developed in a context. W of experiments that enable children to develop through which the BNCC wisely presents as “fields of experience” and ultimately the active methodology which in its turn is not up to date emerged with the disruption of traditional pedagogy after many struggles of Its precursors, through their dedication to hard studies, were able to establish themselves for their proven effectiveness in the school and personal life of individuals when defended by several revolutionaries of world education. Here we bring Jean Piaget (1896-1980) who considers that knowledge The interaction between individuals and the objects of knowledge takes place, respecting each phase of the life of the being, especially with regard to the child's cognitive development. Piaget emphasizes that the educational system must create methods that enable this intentional interaction. That stimulate this construction, it is considered that the curricular trajectory has added value to are real for the social historical construction of early childhood education.

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